I was all set to write this post last night but I dont know what happened to the blogger account, it won't open. Finally, it's working now and here I am typing this post.
How It Started?
I joined Enosten an year ago, it was Ramsha Afaq who introduced me to it. I was really fascinated as finally I was doing something for my country. You know I see people sitting idle and complaining that our country lacks this and that and the whining never stops. I am of view that if something is wrong then we need to fix it ourselves, why should we wait for others? or govt. ? The power to bring a change is in our hands and this thinking of mine drove me to join Enosten and play my role to improve the Educational System of my country.
How was the experience up till now?
Umm ... I would say it was pretty good, we did loads of awesome things (^_^) I remember that our first ever initiative was to distribute books among the needy children and we spent a lot of time in finding the best books which would be beneficial, interactive and worth reading for the little children. After that we mainly concentrated on social media campaign. Things went a bit slow but finally a month back, we revived it. We have an awesome team, the names which I know up till now are Ramsha Afaq and Ammar.
What are we doing right now?
Our main focus is to get in touch with about 10,000 teachers and get their opinions, views and suggestions to improve the system. I being a field researcher is assigned the task to conduct interviews. Right now I have shortlisted about ten teachers who in my opinion are really 'Good' teachers. I would be contacting them and after that would search for more. If you know some teachers who would like to share their views with us then do contact me asap and I will make sure that voice is being heard.
Having difficulty in finding us on social media?
You can find us on social media and stay updated with the recent developments regarding our activities. We would be glad to have you around.
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Enosten
Web - http://www.Enosten.com
The million dollar question!
I missed this :D I haven't told you what is Enosten? :P Did I? Well here is just a one line intro to get you an idea about us.
Enosten is mindset above all, before any organization.It is an NGO working to bring reforms in Education Sector of Pakistan.
What's the philosophy behind the name?
This, my friend is a very good question. Let me explain :P
Stay tuned (^_^) and I would love to hear your opinions. Drop your opinions in the comments below. If you have what it takes to be one of us then do get in contact with me. Together we will bring a change.
Enosten is made up of two words, EN which means 'enable' and the second word is taken from 'ostentatious' and together Enosten means Lofty Summit
Stay tuned (^_^) and I would love to hear your opinions. Drop your opinions in the comments below. If you have what it takes to be one of us then do get in contact with me. Together we will bring a change.