When all I had in mind was; eat, drink, sleep and play
When I’d gulp the food for rushing to ground with no delay
When being the last to play was a worry
But scoring top was a victory
Where crying was a way to get the wishes fulfilled
When I was rewarded for speaking the truth
And scolded if found guilty of lie
When carefree, little cute angel was I
and in the world of dreams I used to fly
When sharing candy was the hardest deed
But seeking attention used to be the easiest task
When I was adored for all the innocence
and heed was paid to all my plights
When my mistakes were forgiven
and I was guided in a way so even
Lost in the golden memories
Found in that nothingness
I call thy name
Come, sooth my wildness
Fill my emptiness
Make me tame
For a little bitty minutest fraction of a second
I want to feel the same
I desire to re-start this life
And live again
Come back
O Childhood
Your flashbacks drive me insane.
Written By : Syed Ommer Amer
Photo Credits : Hammad Asghar